Ed Verebwas a star halfback at the University of Maryland for four seasons. In those four seasons, Maryland was named the National Champion in 1953 and ranked third in 1955 when Vereb was co-captain. Maryland also played in two Orange Bowls and a Sugar Bowl. Vereb wa then a first round fraft pick of the Washington Redskins in the 1956 NFL draft, but signed instead with the B.C. Lions. Vereb had an excellent rookie season which included 14 touchdowns playing on offence and reording frour intereptions as a defensive back. Vereb missed the1957 season due to military service in the States, but returned to played 1958 and 1959 with the Lions. In 1960, Vereb finally joined the Washington Redskinsfor a seson and then returned to BC for 1961 as both a player and assistant coach. Vereb retired from football after the 1961 season and worked for the U.S. Postal Service before completing a degree in dentistry at Georgetown in 1966. Vereb wold go on to have a highy successful career in dentristy, finally retiring in 2004 after 38 years. Ed Vereb bpassed away on December 18, 2014.