Born in Ireland, Bert Adams became a fixture on the line for Montreal football teams in the 1920s and 30s. Adams played for the Montreal Winged Wheelers from 1924 to 1934 and for the Montreal Indians, the successor to the Wheelers in 1936. Adams played snapback, inside and middle at various times, or using the newer position names, center, guard and tackle. It was also an era of two way players, so Adams also played the line on defense. Adams was namedto the Toronto Globe's Big Four All-Star team at Guard in both 1929 and 1930 as well as the Globe's All East team in 1930 picked from Big Four, ORFU and university teams. In 1933, Adams was named to the Big Four All-Star team and the All-East team. Adamswas also with the Montreal Winged Wheelers when they won the Grey Cup in 1931, defeating the Regina (Saskatchewan) 22-0 on an ice covered field in Montreal. Adams Switching to Snapback - September 27, 1927 Bert Adams Joins Wheelers in Midst of Heavy Practice - September 11, 1930 Adams Named to Big Four All-Star Team - Novemb er 18, 1933 Adams With Montreal Indians - October 7, 1936